
Racial Disparities in Arrests - 2018 Q1

Blacks account for over 50% of arrests while being less than 30% of the population.

Maps, maps, maps

map examples using sf, tidycenus, ggplot, tmap, and leaflet

Racial Disparities in Large City Homicides

Black murders go unsolved

Remotely Running RStudio

Options for running RStudio remotely

Arrests By Team

Arrest data broken down by team, which correspond to geographic areas.

Who’s getting arrested in Charleston, SC and why?

Arrests in Charleston, SC. Part 1. 2009-2017.

Police Dispatches - 2017

Police dispatches - Charleston, SC 2017

Customizing Color Scheme in Shiny applications

Some ways to customize Shiny app color schemes.

Cool R Maps

Links to sites with R based Maps

R Resources

R resources and links to R related sites