Charleston Data Analytics - Data Visualization with R - Markdown documents from talk
- dplyr - Brad - Data wrangling package - functions for manipulating data similiar to sql -like commands - glimpse, select, arrange, mutate, group_by, summarize
- dplyr - Brad - Data wrangling package - functions for manipulating data similiar to sql -like commands - glimpse, select, arrange, mutate, group_by, summarize
Data Analysis in R Part 2 with reshape2 and ggplot2 and possibly other 2s
Stephen Guest - ggplot examples
reshape2 - changing data from wide to tall, or vice versa, identify which variables are identity versus which are measurements, methods - melt, dcast
Alzheimer’s ggplot Examples - Christy Whitehead, June 13, 2016 - data.table + ggplot
Visual Data Analysis w/ R Visualization frameworks, plotly examples